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Patria Lincoln

DIY Mother's Day Gifts!

Mother’s Day is May 13th, so you still have plenty of time to create a handmade gift that shows the mother in your life just how much you and your family love her! The DIY art projects below are sure to make meaningful memories that Mom will truly cherish – and they’re fun! So, gather your little ones and get ready to create some truly adorable keepsakes!

Lots of Love Sun Catcher

Mom will go to pieces when she sees this sweet gift!
Sheets or squares of colorful tissue paper
Coordinating-colored construction pape
rContact paper
Craft scissors
Hole punch
DIY Mother's Day 
Cut a heart-shaped frame out of construction paper. Write your kids’ names and the year along the edge and include a Mother’s Day message, if you like.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Unroll your contact paper until you have a sheet twice the size of your heart frame and peel away the backing.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Place the heart frame at the top of the sticky side of the contact paper.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
If your child is old enough to use safety scissors, have them cut the tissue paper into small squares. Younger children can tear the tissue into small pieces (and develop fine motor skills at the same time!). Let your kids place the tissue pieces wherever they like, within the heart shape.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Fold the bottom half of the contact paper over the heart, bringing the bottom edge up to the top edge. Press and smooth the contact paper flat and cut it away, about ¼ inch away from the outer edge of the heart frame.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Punch a hole in the top of the frame, string with a ribbon bow, and hang in a window as a sweet Mother’s Day surprise.
DIY Mother's Day Gift 

Fun with Fingerprints Heart Frame

Leave a permanent print on Mom’s heart with this sweet fingerprint photo frame!
Raw wood frame
White, pink, and purple paint
Permanent marker or Sharpie
DIY Mother's Day Gift 
Paint the front and sides of your frame white and allow to dry completely.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Pour the pink and purple paints onto a paper plate.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Show your child how to roll their pointer finger into the paint and press twice, overlapping, to form a heart shape on the frame. (You may have to help ????)
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Continue until frame is full of heart-shaped fingerprints, leaving a space on the bottom edge for a message in marker, if you like.
DIY Mother's Day Gift

Beautiful Palmprint Butterfly

Mom’s heart will soar when she sees this colorful art piece made from her little one’s palmprints!
Large white construction paper
Colorful markers
Colorful paints
Aluminum foil
Paint brush
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Use your markers to outline a long oval topped with a circle – these will be your butterfly’s body and head. Your child can color the head and body in with the markers and add antennae.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Cover a plate with aluminum foil and drop various colors of paint, filling the center of the foil-covered plate.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Press your child’s hand flat into the paint, making sure to cover the hand thoroughly. You should hear a squish as you press down. The lift your child’s hand straight out of the paint.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
One at a time, press the palm, wrist-side to your butterfly’s body, down on the paper. Use your hand to press the fingers and palm down firmly, then help your child lift their hand straight up and off the paper. Have your child write their name and age and “Happy Mother’s Day” or other sweet message, if they’re able.
DIY Mother's Day Gift 

Happy Mother's Day!

DIY Mother's Day
DIY Mother's Day Gifts!
Mother’s Day is May 13th, so you still have plenty of time to create a handmade gift that shows the mother in your life just how much you and your family love her! The DIY art projects below are sure to make meaningful memories that Mom will truly cherish – and they’re fun! So, gather your little ones and get ready to create some truly adorable keepsakes!

Lots of Love Sun Catcher

Mom will go to pieces when she sees this sweet gift!
Sheets or squares of colorful tissue paper
Coordinating-colored construction pape
rContact paper
Craft scissors
Hole punch
DIY Mother's Day 
Cut a heart-shaped frame out of construction paper. Write your kids’ names and the year along the edge and include a Mother’s Day message, if you like.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Unroll your contact paper until you have a sheet twice the size of your heart frame and peel away the backing.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Place the heart frame at the top of the sticky side of the contact paper.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
If your child is old enough to use safety scissors, have them cut the tissue paper into small squares. Younger children can tear the tissue into small pieces (and develop fine motor skills at the same time!). Let your kids place the tissue pieces wherever they like, within the heart shape.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Fold the bottom half of the contact paper over the heart, bringing the bottom edge up to the top edge. Press and smooth the contact paper flat and cut it away, about ¼ inch away from the outer edge of the heart frame.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Punch a hole in the top of the frame, string with a ribbon bow, and hang in a window as a sweet Mother’s Day surprise.
DIY Mother's Day Gift 

Fun with Fingerprints Heart Frame

Leave a permanent print on Mom’s heart with this sweet fingerprint photo frame!
Raw wood frame
White, pink, and purple paint
Permanent marker or Sharpie
DIY Mother's Day Gift 
Paint the front and sides of your frame white and allow to dry completely.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Pour the pink and purple paints onto a paper plate.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Show your child how to roll their pointer finger into the paint and press twice, overlapping, to form a heart shape on the frame. (You may have to help ????)
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Continue until frame is full of heart-shaped fingerprints, leaving a space on the bottom edge for a message in marker, if you like.
DIY Mother's Day Gift

Beautiful Palmprint Butterfly

Mom’s heart will soar when she sees this colorful art piece made from her little one’s palmprints!
Large white construction paper
Colorful markers
Colorful paints
Aluminum foil
Paint brush
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Use your markers to outline a long oval topped with a circle – these will be your butterfly’s body and head. Your child can color the head and body in with the markers and add antennae.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Cover a plate with aluminum foil and drop various colors of paint, filling the center of the foil-covered plate.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
Press your child’s hand flat into the paint, making sure to cover the hand thoroughly. You should hear a squish as you press down. The lift your child’s hand straight out of the paint.
DIY Mother's Day Gift
One at a time, press the palm, wrist-side to your butterfly’s body, down on the paper. Use your hand to press the fingers and palm down firmly, then help your child lift their hand straight up and off the paper. Have your child write their name and age and “Happy Mother’s Day” or other sweet message, if they’re able.
DIY Mother's Day Gift 

Happy Mother's Day!

DIY Mother's Day

Color by Number Spring Flower Printable!

Enjoy this fun color by number page while learning the parts of a flower!

Want to learn more about flowers?

Color by Number Spring Flower Printable!

Enjoy this fun color by number page while learning the parts of a flower!

Want to learn more about flowers?

3 Backyard Science Activities

3 Backyard Science Activities!

Scientific discoveries are as close as your backyard! As the weather warms up, the opportunities to explore and learn outside abound, bringing science to life. From insects and worms, to the composition of dirt and compost, to plants and flowers beginning to blossom and bloom, every square inch of backyards, gardens and neighborhoods are home to hundreds of interesting things just waiting to be discovered.Using the Outdoor Discovery Set and the Sand and Water Fine Motor Tool Set, my three daughters aged two, four and six and I set out on a mission to uncover the mysteries and treasures in our backyard. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that even in a small space there are plenty of things to unearth.

Insect Investigation

What will you find when you dig in the dirt or the compost?backyard science discoveryWith dozens of organisms living underground, what will kids find when they start digging? After a few minutes working through the dirt in the garden, the girls found plenty of worms and an insect they’d never seen before.Using the handy scooper, my eldest daughter carefully placed the bug in the Bug View jar.With its handy twist top, the Bug View jar gives kids freedom and control to independently inspect their discoveries. The Bug View jar also has a built-in magnifying glass which means kids can examine and analyze what they’ve discovered up close and personal.We talked about what kind of insect we thought it was – most likely a Click Beetle larvae - and how it is different than other bugs we are familiar with. We also discussed the bug’s unique features and characteristics. Did it have eyes and legs? What other distinctive traits could we see?backyard science discovery 

Creating and Experimenting with Gardening

The Outdoor Discovery Set includes guided activity cards for experiments, tests and observations. We used the Growing Garlic activity card as a launching point. How fun to make the connection that some of the very things we eat and cook in our kitchen can be planted just as they are in our backyard and produce new food.For this experiment, we used garlic cloves from our kitchen!backyard science garlicFirst, we filled one of the plant pots with soil.backyard science garlicNext, we made a hole in the dirt larger enough to fit a clove of garlic. Then, we planted the garlic in the plant pot, making sure to pop the clove in the right way up.backyard scienceAfter planting the garlic, we covered it up with fresh soil, then watered it.Voila! The last step is to wait see what happens. How long will it take for the garlic to sprout?

Exploring the World of Water

For toddlers and children in the younger preschool years who may be less interested in gardening experiments and investigating insects, exploring outside with water and testing fine motor skills might be right up their alley. The Sand and Water Fine Motor Tool Set is a fun starting point to challenge a child’s dexterity while having fun.water and sand backyard science experimentFirst, we filled a big bucket of water in the backyard. Then we used the droppers and scoops to squeeze, squirt and spurt water. The toys can be used with sand too! Do sand and water squish and spray differently?backyard science experimentWe found more than meets the eye as we explored our backyard. What new scientific discoveries will you capture, observe and create as you head outdoors?

Looking for more screen-free science? Click here for some more activities!

3 Backyard Science Activities!
Scientific discoveries are as close as your backyard! As the weather warms up, the opportunities to explore and learn outside abound, bringing science to life. From insects and worms, to the composition of dirt and compost, to plants and flowers beginning to blossom and bloom, every square inch of backyards, gardens and neighborhoods are home to hundreds of interesting things just waiting to be discovered.Using the Outdoor Discovery Set and the Sand and Water Fine Motor Tool Set, my three daughters aged two, four and six and I set out on a mission to uncover the mysteries and treasures in our backyard. We were pleasantly surprised to learn that even in a small space there are plenty of things to unearth.

Insect Investigation

What will you find when you dig in the dirt or the compost?backyard science discoveryWith dozens of organisms living underground, what will kids find when they start digging? After a few minutes working through the dirt in the garden, the girls found plenty of worms and an insect they’d never seen before.Using the handy scooper, my eldest daughter carefully placed the bug in the Bug View jar.With its handy twist top, the Bug View jar gives kids freedom and control to independently inspect their discoveries. The Bug View jar also has a built-in magnifying glass which means kids can examine and analyze what they’ve discovered up close and personal.We talked about what kind of insect we thought it was – most likely a Click Beetle larvae - and how it is different than other bugs we are familiar with. We also discussed the bug’s unique features and characteristics. Did it have eyes and legs? What other distinctive traits could we see?backyard science discovery 

Creating and Experimenting with Gardening

The Outdoor Discovery Set includes guided activity cards for experiments, tests and observations. We used the Growing Garlic activity card as a launching point. How fun to make the connection that some of the very things we eat and cook in our kitchen can be planted just as they are in our backyard and produce new food.For this experiment, we used garlic cloves from our kitchen!backyard science garlicFirst, we filled one of the plant pots with soil.backyard science garlicNext, we made a hole in the dirt larger enough to fit a clove of garlic. Then, we planted the garlic in the plant pot, making sure to pop the clove in the right way up.backyard scienceAfter planting the garlic, we covered it up with fresh soil, then watered it.Voila! The last step is to wait see what happens. How long will it take for the garlic to sprout?

Exploring the World of Water

For toddlers and children in the younger preschool years who may be less interested in gardening experiments and investigating insects, exploring outside with water and testing fine motor skills might be right up their alley. The Sand and Water Fine Motor Tool Set is a fun starting point to challenge a child’s dexterity while having fun.water and sand backyard science experimentFirst, we filled a big bucket of water in the backyard. Then we used the droppers and scoops to squeeze, squirt and spurt water. The toys can be used with sand too! Do sand and water squish and spray differently?backyard science experimentWe found more than meets the eye as we explored our backyard. What new scientific discoveries will you capture, observe and create as you head outdoors?

Looking for more screen-free science? Click here for some more activities!


Celebrate Astronomy Day with Kids

Each year Astronomy Day is celebrated worldwide. The stars have fascinated humanity for literally centuries, and even to this day captures the imagination of kids of all ages. Celebrate this event with them this year and don't worry if you don't own any expensive telescopes. These DIY activities use real life discoveries to inspire your little astronomers!

Track the Phases of the Moon

Bone sticks from across Europe and Africa dating back as long ago as 35,000 BCE that tracked the moon’s phases. Use a simple number line with your kids to track the phases of the moon over the course of a month, from full moon and back again. Do it for several months and see what patterns they begin to observe.

Depict a Celestial Phenomenon

A celestial phenomenon is a astrological event that involves one or more objects. The earliest example depicted was discovered in Germany in 1999. The Nebra Sky Disc dates back to 2000 BC and it depicted a star cluster, phases of the moon and the rising sun.

Use a black paper plate, or even just black paper, and encourage your children to depict their own star formations. If they can’t stay up to observe them at night, project some indoors with this Shining Stars Projector.

Astronomy to Keep Time

The Chinese astronomers kept detailed observations beginning about 600 BC, for the primary purpose of timekeeping. Their records allowed them to predict eclipses, and include the first record of events such as supernovas and comets.

On the other side of the world, the Mayans developed their own astronomical tables for predicting the phases of the moon, eclipses, and the appearance of the other planets. They used these and the cycles of the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and constellations to establish the Mayan calendar.

All of the above astronomy was without a telescope, and you can still observe these astronomical events with your kids today. Check out this astronomy calendar and pick a full moon, eclipse, planetary event, or meteor shower to observe as a family.

Try this simple astronomy experiment to help kids as young as preschoolers understand what makes night.

Just because ancient astronomers did all of this without a telescope doesn't mean your little ones have to! All of the above activities can be done with the naked eye but if you feel like shooting for the stars check out Learning Resources Big View Telescope. How will you celebrate Astronomy Day?

 DIY Astronomy Day Activities!
Celebrate Astronomy Day with Kids

Each year Astronomy Day is celebrated worldwide. The stars have fascinated humanity for literally centuries, and even to this day captures the imagination of kids of all ages. Celebrate this event with them this year and don't worry if you don't own any expensive telescopes. These DIY activities use real life discoveries to inspire your little astronomers!

Track the Phases of the Moon

Bone sticks from across Europe and Africa dating back as long ago as 35,000 BCE that tracked the moon’s phases. Use a simple number line with your kids to track the phases of the moon over the course of a month, from full moon and back again. Do it for several months and see what patterns they begin to observe.

Depict a Celestial Phenomenon

A celestial phenomenon is a astrological event that involves one or more objects. The earliest example depicted was discovered in Germany in 1999. The Nebra Sky Disc dates back to 2000 BC and it depicted a star cluster, phases of the moon and the rising sun.

Use a black paper plate, or even just black paper, and encourage your children to depict their own star formations. If they can’t stay up to observe them at night, project some indoors with this Shining Stars Projector.

Astronomy to Keep Time

The Chinese astronomers kept detailed observations beginning about 600 BC, for the primary purpose of timekeeping. Their records allowed them to predict eclipses, and include the first record of events such as supernovas and comets.

On the other side of the world, the Mayans developed their own astronomical tables for predicting the phases of the moon, eclipses, and the appearance of the other planets. They used these and the cycles of the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and constellations to establish the Mayan calendar.

All of the above astronomy was without a telescope, and you can still observe these astronomical events with your kids today. Check out this astronomy calendar and pick a full moon, eclipse, planetary event, or meteor shower to observe as a family.

Try this simple astronomy experiment to help kids as young as preschoolers understand what makes night.

Just because ancient astronomers did all of this without a telescope doesn't mean your little ones have to! All of the above activities can be done with the naked eye but if you feel like shooting for the stars check out Learning Resources Big View Telescope. How will you celebrate Astronomy Day?

 DIY Astronomy Day Activities!

DIY Earth Day Sensory Art

Happy Earth Day! A wonderful way to celebrate our one-of-a-kind planet, this Earth Day art project is alive with color. Engaging the senses of even your littlest conservationist, recreate this masterpiece with a just few items you probably already have at home. 

You will need:

  • A baking sheet with sides
  • Shaving cream
  • Food coloring or watercolor paints
  • Chopsticks or craft sticks for swirling
  • White cardstock
  • An old gift card or credit card for scraping

Earth Day Sensory Art Craft  

On the cardstock, trace circles about 8-9” in circumference using a bowl or plate. Cut out and set aside.Earth Day Sensory DIY Craft

Spray the shaving cream directly into the baking sheet. Now spread the shaving cream evenly in the pan. It almost feels like frosting a sheet cake.

DIY Earth Day Sensory

Using a generous hand, drop your food coloring or paint all over the shaving cream in the pan. Then, with the craft stick, swirl the pain around. Be careful to swirl, not mix. This step is rich in sensory for the children – the smell of the shaving cream, the drag of the foam, the mixing of the color. Fantastic!DIY Earth Day Sensory

Grab one of the circles. Gently lay your soon-to-be-Earth on top of the shaving cream, pressing down gently. You want to make sure all the Earth’s surface is touching the paint/shaving foam mixture.DIY Earth Day Sensory

Grab a little section and gently peel up your circle off of the foam. Find a spot to lay it flat.DIY Earth Day Sensory

Next, using the former gift or credit card, begin on one end and scrape the paint off, getting very close to the surface of the card stock. Revealed under all that shaving cream is a beautiful, marbled, Earth-from-outer-space look!

DIY Earth Sensory Craft

Add some additional paint or food coloring to your mix if you feel like either color is coming through strong enough. It seems like it’s almost impossible to add too much color.DIY Earth Day Sensory Craft

Enjoy this sensory-rich activity with all ages of kids.

Happy Earth Day!

DIY Earth Day Sensory CraftSensory Earth Art


DIY Earth Day Sensory Art

Happy Earth Day! A wonderful way to celebrate our one-of-a-kind planet, this Earth Day art project is alive with color. Engaging the senses of even your littlest conservationist, recreate this masterpiece with a just few items you probably already have at home. 

You will need:

  • A baking sheet with sides
  • Shaving cream
  • Food coloring or watercolor paints
  • Chopsticks or craft sticks for swirling
  • White cardstock
  • An old gift card or credit card for scraping

Earth Day Sensory Art Craft  

On the cardstock, trace circles about 8-9” in circumference using a bowl or plate. Cut out and set aside.Earth Day Sensory DIY Craft

Spray the shaving cream directly into the baking sheet. Now spread the shaving cream evenly in the pan. It almost feels like frosting a sheet cake.

DIY Earth Day Sensory

Using a generous hand, drop your food coloring or paint all over the shaving cream in the pan. Then, with the craft stick, swirl the pain around. Be careful to swirl, not mix. This step is rich in sensory for the children – the smell of the shaving cream, the drag of the foam, the mixing of the color. Fantastic!DIY Earth Day Sensory

Grab one of the circles. Gently lay your soon-to-be-Earth on top of the shaving cream, pressing down gently. You want to make sure all the Earth’s surface is touching the paint/shaving foam mixture.DIY Earth Day Sensory

Grab a little section and gently peel up your circle off of the foam. Find a spot to lay it flat.DIY Earth Day Sensory

Next, using the former gift or credit card, begin on one end and scrape the paint off, getting very close to the surface of the card stock. Revealed under all that shaving cream is a beautiful, marbled, Earth-from-outer-space look!

DIY Earth Sensory Craft

Add some additional paint or food coloring to your mix if you feel like either color is coming through strong enough. It seems like it’s almost impossible to add too much color.DIY Earth Day Sensory Craft

Enjoy this sensory-rich activity with all ages of kids.

Happy Earth Day!

DIY Earth Day Sensory CraftSensory Earth Art



Why I'm Teaching My Daughters STEM Skills

Anybody who knows us know that Danielle and I want our daughters to have all of the opportunities to succeed as they get older. Right now, that means introducing them to the skills they’ll need to live and work in the 21st century. This is especially in areas like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.Unfortunately, not every little girl gets the chance to reach their full potential in STEM.  According to Girls Who Code, in 1995, 37% of computer scientists were women. Today, it’s only 24%. If we do nothing, in ten years the number of women in computing will decrease to just 22%.

I think that that’s really silly.

We’re all created equally. Every little girl out there is just as capable, and just as curious, as every little boy, and they should all have the chance to explore the worlds of science and math. Little kids’ minds work just the same no matter their gender, so why should gender be a barrier in STEM? Why should gender be a barrier in anything?Danielle and I want to make sure that our girls have as much exposure to STEM-building activities as possible. It’s something that we’re passionate about, and it’s something that we know works. The girls may not be able to code a computer program yet, but exploring early coding concepts builds skills! It has helped them develop an understanding of things like cause-and-effect that they now use to understand the world around them.That’s the biggest benefit of STEM learning, really: it builds the critical thinking that you need in your everyday life. That kind of skill goes far beyond a career as a scientist.Even if our girls don’t go on to become engineers or programmers, they’ll still grow up with the problem-solving skills that will help them succeed in whatever they want to do.

Let’s see a barrier stand up to that.

Why I'm Teaching My Daughters STEM Skills Anybody who knows us know that Danielle and I want our daughters to have all of the opportunities to succeed as they get older. Right now, that means introducing them to the skills they’ll need to live and work in the 21st century. This is especially in areas like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.Unfortunately, not every little girl gets the chance to reach their full potential in STEM.  According to Girls Who Code, in 1995, 37% of computer scientists were women. Today, it’s only 24%. If we do nothing, in ten years the number of women in computing will decrease to just 22%.

I think that that’s really silly.

We’re all created equally. Every little girl out there is just as capable, and just as curious, as every little boy, and they should all have the chance to explore the worlds of science and math. Little kids’ minds work just the same no matter their gender, so why should gender be a barrier in STEM? Why should gender be a barrier in anything?Danielle and I want to make sure that our girls have as much exposure to STEM-building activities as possible. It’s something that we’re passionate about, and it’s something that we know works. The girls may not be able to code a computer program yet, but exploring early coding concepts builds skills! It has helped them develop an understanding of things like cause-and-effect that they now use to understand the world around them.That’s the biggest benefit of STEM learning, really: it builds the critical thinking that you need in your everyday life. That kind of skill goes far beyond a career as a scientist.Even if our girls don’t go on to become engineers or programmers, they’ll still grow up with the problem-solving skills that will help them succeed in whatever they want to do.

Let’s see a barrier stand up to that.