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Building Someone Amazing Blog Series

As part of our new brand campaign, Learning Resources is celebrating all that you are doing as parents to build an amazing child. We know that raising a child takes parents on a journey through a gamut of emotions, but what you’re teaching your child every day is ultimately building them into the person that they will become. In this blog series, we will hear from the experts. These experts are teachers, parents, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and more!  

Learning Resources is launching this new initiative with the purpose of changing perceptions about the toys that parents provide to their children. We want parents to consider that every activity and toy as building block of who your child is becoming. That is why this series will feature educational and fun activities for the whole family to enjoy.  

Throughout the coming weeks we will have experts delve into Remarkable Rad Reading, Magical Marvelous Math, Super Smart STEM, Positively Powerful Preschool, Fun Fabulous Fine Motor, and Sparkling Successful SEL. Our goal for this series is to help kids love to learn and get ready to take on the world. To turn “I think I can” to “I know I can.” To empower every child to reach their full potential. 

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Building Someone Amazing Blog Series

As part of our new brand campaign, Learning Resources is celebrating all that you are doing as parents to build an amazing child. We know that raising a child takes parents on a journey through a gamut of emotions, but what you’re teaching your child every day is ultimately building them into the person that they will become. In this blog series, we will hear from the experts. These experts are teachers, parents, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, and more!  

Learning Resources is launching this new initiative with the purpose of changing perceptions about the toys that parents provide to their children. We want parents to consider that every activity and toy as building block of who your child is becoming. That is why this series will feature educational and fun activities for the whole family to enjoy.  

Throughout the coming weeks we will have experts delve into Remarkable Rad Reading, Magical Marvelous Math, Super Smart STEM, Positively Powerful Preschool, Fun Fabulous Fine Motor, and Sparkling Successful SEL. Our goal for this series is to help kids love to learn and get ready to take on the world. To turn “I think I can” to “I know I can.” To empower every child to reach their full potential.