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Danielle's 10 Tips for Motivating the Busby Girls During the School Year!

Getting six girls out of bed, dressed, fed, teeth brushed, in the car, and to multiple schools on time is a lot in the morning! We wrote about our morning routine in the past which has evolved slightly as the girls have gotten older but still holds pretty true. For us, there is so much more that goes into the school year and helps keep the girls’ love of learning growing. Luckily, our summer routine includes plenty of time spent playing with our favorite Learning Resources toys, so the girls are set up for success when the first day of school arrives. Here are my tips for keeping the girls motivated to succeed and excited for school all year long!

Have a Healthy Breakfast

We are firm believers in choosing healthy foods and supplements to ensure the girls have energy and proper nutrition to get them through the day. We have found that when they are eating better they have better concentration and they sleep better at night, which are really important for their health and growing bodies.

Consistent Bedtimes

The girls go to bed at a consistent time with the same routine each night. That alarm for school goes off early during the week and well-rested kids are much more motivated than those who have stayed up too late and are overtired.

Communication is Key

We believe in over communication. Adam and I consistently communicate with their teachers to identify where they are excelling and where they need additional support so we can adjust accordingly. Little ones don’t always open up about their day or any challenges they are running into as much as we would like, so we have found a few tricks at home to help them talk about how they are feeling. One of our favorites is the Emoji Cubes which helps prompt questions to get Blayke and the quints talking about how they are feeling. We have learned a lot by playing with them! 

Get Involved!

Our girls do better when they see us in the classroom or volunteering to go on field trips. They know how much we want to be a part of their school days and how important these lessons and experiences are.Danielle’s 10 Tips for Motivating the Busby Girls During the School Year Longhorn

Lead by Example

Adam and I work hard and have a lot of projects going on at all times. We think it is important to show the girls the value of hard work whether it is at school or in the office or starting a business. It keeps the girls motivated to do well when they see us always striving to do our best.

Incorporate Learning Tools They Enjoy

Learning should be fun! We find tools that incorporate learning at home after school and on the weekends. Adam and I have always been big proponents of STEM skills, and all six girls have really fallen in love with the Coding Critters this summer. It’s the first toy they grab when they come home each day and we have talked to them about what they are getting out of playing with them, from learning problem-solving to basic coding fundamentals. Plus, they are super cute - who doesn’t love a little dance party at home?!?!Danielle’s 10 Tips for Motivating the Busby Girls During the School Year Coding Critters

Don’t Over-Schedule

This is a big one for us. When the girls have too many extracurriculars they tend to be overtired and lose motivation to do their schoolwork. For us, it is about finding the balance of the activities they enjoy and sometimes having to choose one over the other. 

Empower Them to Make Some of Their Own Choices

When they are empowered to make some of their own choices, we find that it helps them want to do the right thing, like choosing to read an extra book with us or picking one activity over another. It helps them grow and know that their opinions matter, all of which are crucial to keeping them motivated. Danielle’s 10 Tips for Motivating the Busby Girls During the School Year Blayke reading

Hold Them Accountable

Even the smallest children seem to be more productive and motivated and enjoy having a sense of responsibility when they know they will be held accountable. Whether it is cleaning their room or doing homework in Blayke’s case, we ensure they know that they are responsible for their actions, behavior, and completing their tasks. 

Take it one day at a time

Patience is key, especially with six little girls! As they get back into the groove with a new school year, new friends, new activities and more, we incorporate all of the above and try to keep everyone positive, happy, and motivated to succeed.

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Danielle's 10 Tips for Motivating the Busby Girls During the School Year!

Getting six girls out of bed, dressed, fed, teeth brushed, in the car, and to multiple schools on time is a lot in the morning! We wrote about our morning routine in the past which has evolved slightly as the girls have gotten older but still holds pretty true. For us, there is so much more that goes into the school year and helps keep the girls’ love of learning growing. Luckily, our summer routine includes plenty of time spent playing with our favorite Learning Resources toys, so the girls are set up for success when the first day of school arrives. Here are my tips for keeping the girls motivated to succeed and excited for school all year long!

Have a Healthy Breakfast

We are firm believers in choosing healthy foods and supplements to ensure the girls have energy and proper nutrition to get them through the day. We have found that when they are eating better they have better concentration and they sleep better at night, which are really important for their health and growing bodies.

Consistent Bedtimes

The girls go to bed at a consistent time with the same routine each night. That alarm for school goes off early during the week and well-rested kids are much more motivated than those who have stayed up too late and are overtired.

Communication is Key

We believe in over communication. Adam and I consistently communicate with their teachers to identify where they are excelling and where they need additional support so we can adjust accordingly. Little ones don’t always open up about their day or any challenges they are running into as much as we would like, so we have found a few tricks at home to help them talk about how they are feeling. One of our favorites is the Emoji Cubes which helps prompt questions to get Blayke and the quints talking about how they are feeling. We have learned a lot by playing with them! 

Get Involved!

Our girls do better when they see us in the classroom or volunteering to go on field trips. They know how much we want to be a part of their school days and how important these lessons and experiences are.Danielle’s 10 Tips for Motivating the Busby Girls During the School Year Longhorn

Lead by Example

Adam and I work hard and have a lot of projects going on at all times. We think it is important to show the girls the value of hard work whether it is at school or in the office or starting a business. It keeps the girls motivated to do well when they see us always striving to do our best.

Incorporate Learning Tools They Enjoy

Learning should be fun! We find tools that incorporate learning at home after school and on the weekends. Adam and I have always been big proponents of STEM skills, and all six girls have really fallen in love with the Coding Critters this summer. It’s the first toy they grab when they come home each day and we have talked to them about what they are getting out of playing with them, from learning problem-solving to basic coding fundamentals. Plus, they are super cute - who doesn’t love a little dance party at home?!?!Danielle’s 10 Tips for Motivating the Busby Girls During the School Year Coding Critters

Don’t Over-Schedule

This is a big one for us. When the girls have too many extracurriculars they tend to be overtired and lose motivation to do their schoolwork. For us, it is about finding the balance of the activities they enjoy and sometimes having to choose one over the other. 

Empower Them to Make Some of Their Own Choices

When they are empowered to make some of their own choices, we find that it helps them want to do the right thing, like choosing to read an extra book with us or picking one activity over another. It helps them grow and know that their opinions matter, all of which are crucial to keeping them motivated. Danielle’s 10 Tips for Motivating the Busby Girls During the School Year Blayke reading

Hold Them Accountable

Even the smallest children seem to be more productive and motivated and enjoy having a sense of responsibility when they know they will be held accountable. Whether it is cleaning their room or doing homework in Blayke’s case, we ensure they know that they are responsible for their actions, behavior, and completing their tasks. 

Take it one day at a time

Patience is key, especially with six little girls! As they get back into the groove with a new school year, new friends, new activities and more, we incorporate all of the above and try to keep everyone positive, happy, and motivated to succeed.

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