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Why I'm Teaching My Daughters STEM Skills

Anybody who knows us know that Danielle and I want our daughters to have all of the opportunities to succeed as they get older. Right now, that means introducing them to the skills they’ll need to live and work in the 21st century. This is especially in areas like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.Unfortunately, not every little girl gets the chance to reach their full potential in STEM.  According to Girls Who Code, in 1995, 37% of computer scientists were women. Today, it’s only 24%. If we do nothing, in ten years the number of women in computing will decrease to just 22%.

I think that that’s really silly.

We’re all created equally. Every little girl out there is just as capable, and just as curious, as every little boy, and they should all have the chance to explore the worlds of science and math. Little kids’ minds work just the same no matter their gender, so why should gender be a barrier in STEM? Why should gender be a barrier in anything?Danielle and I want to make sure that our girls have as much exposure to STEM-building activities as possible. It’s something that we’re passionate about, and it’s something that we know works. The girls may not be able to code a computer program yet, but exploring early coding concepts builds skills! It has helped them develop an understanding of things like cause-and-effect that they now use to understand the world around them.That’s the biggest benefit of STEM learning, really: it builds the critical thinking that you need in your everyday life. That kind of skill goes far beyond a career as a scientist.Even if our girls don’t go on to become engineers or programmers, they’ll still grow up with the problem-solving skills that will help them succeed in whatever they want to do.

Let’s see a barrier stand up to that.

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Why I'm Teaching My Daughters STEM Skills Anybody who knows us know that Danielle and I want our daughters to have all of the opportunities to succeed as they get older. Right now, that means introducing them to the skills they’ll need to live and work in the 21st century. This is especially in areas like science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.Unfortunately, not every little girl gets the chance to reach their full potential in STEM.  According to Girls Who Code, in 1995, 37% of computer scientists were women. Today, it’s only 24%. If we do nothing, in ten years the number of women in computing will decrease to just 22%.

I think that that’s really silly.

We’re all created equally. Every little girl out there is just as capable, and just as curious, as every little boy, and they should all have the chance to explore the worlds of science and math. Little kids’ minds work just the same no matter their gender, so why should gender be a barrier in STEM? Why should gender be a barrier in anything?Danielle and I want to make sure that our girls have as much exposure to STEM-building activities as possible. It’s something that we’re passionate about, and it’s something that we know works. The girls may not be able to code a computer program yet, but exploring early coding concepts builds skills! It has helped them develop an understanding of things like cause-and-effect that they now use to understand the world around them.That’s the biggest benefit of STEM learning, really: it builds the critical thinking that you need in your everyday life. That kind of skill goes far beyond a career as a scientist.Even if our girls don’t go on to become engineers or programmers, they’ll still grow up with the problem-solving skills that will help them succeed in whatever they want to do.

Let’s see a barrier stand up to that.