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10 Incredible Things Robots Can Do

10 Incredible Things Robots Can Do

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Happy Robotics Week! We have a fun list here that will make you say "Robots do WHAT?!"Once the stuff of futuristic fantasies, robotics has really come into its own! From cooking dinner to performing surgery, robotic capabilities are rapidly expanding far beyond the auto assembly line and into trades and tasks that once seemed impossible. Read on for a summary of some of the surprisingly helpful things robots are doing right now and be amazed!

Believe it or not, robots can:

  1. Cook!

    Choose a recipe from the programmed library and Moley Robotics’ Robotic Kitchen will make it for you – from measuring and mixing ingredients to baking, broiling, simmering, and stirring.

    Incredible Things Robots
  2. Outrun You!

    A mechanical cheetah built by the engineers at MIT tops out at speeds close to 30 m.p.h. This cruisin’ kitty is designed to help with search and rescue efforts in disaster areas that are not smooth enough for wheeled robots.Incredible Robotics
  3. Fly the Friendly Skies!

    Drones are robots, too, and they’re working all over the world, doing everything from delivering blood to monitoring Australia’s shorelines for sharks.Incredible Robotics
  4. Help You See Better!

    Robots can turn a series of numbers into prescription eyeglasses, all in less than an hour! Robots Incredible
  5. Prep Your Meds!

    From pharmaceutical prescriptions to prepping IVs, these nurse bots are rolling behind the scenes in pharmacies and hospitals. Since there is so much that goes into keeping people healthy, this is a huge help in the medical field!Robots Medical
  6.  Make Music!’s tunes are designed – by robots – to be in synch with your brain waves while making some awesome beats.Robots Music
  7. Shape You Up!

    Personal trainer bots are leading exercise sessions with the elderly. They even monitor participants and can detect correct body position.Robots Work Out
  8. Read Your Mood!

    A companion robot named Pepper is programmed to read facial expressions and respond accordingly with songs to match your vibe, supportive comments, and more.Robots Mood
  9. Make Deliveries!

    Robots are delivering everything from online orders to room service. Robots Room Service
  10. Perform Surgery!

    Medical facilities including the famed Mayo Clinic use robotics to operate on patients. Using robotics provides “more precision, flexibility, and control than is possible with conventional techniques."Robots Surgery

Some may worry that the increasing capabilities of robotics will eventually eliminate some human responsibilities, yet remember that these machines are nothing without the human element of programming. Start your kiddo down the path to programming today with Botley the Coding Robot!

Botley RoboticsRobots

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10 Incredible Things Robots Can Do

Join our email list for more free activities!

Happy Robotics Week! We have a fun list here that will make you say "Robots do WHAT?!"Once the stuff of futuristic fantasies, robotics has really come into its own! From cooking dinner to performing surgery, robotic capabilities are rapidly expanding far beyond the auto assembly line and into trades and tasks that once seemed impossible. Read on for a summary of some of the surprisingly helpful things robots are doing right now and be amazed!

Believe it or not, robots can:

  1. Cook!

    Choose a recipe from the programmed library and Moley Robotics’ Robotic Kitchen will make it for you – from measuring and mixing ingredients to baking, broiling, simmering, and stirring.

    Incredible Things Robots
  2. Outrun You!

    A mechanical cheetah built by the engineers at MIT tops out at speeds close to 30 m.p.h. This cruisin’ kitty is designed to help with search and rescue efforts in disaster areas that are not smooth enough for wheeled robots.Incredible Robotics
  3. Fly the Friendly Skies!

    Drones are robots, too, and they’re working all over the world, doing everything from delivering blood to monitoring Australia’s shorelines for sharks.Incredible Robotics
  4. Help You See Better!

    Robots can turn a series of numbers into prescription eyeglasses, all in less than an hour! Robots Incredible
  5. Prep Your Meds!

    From pharmaceutical prescriptions to prepping IVs, these nurse bots are rolling behind the scenes in pharmacies and hospitals. Since there is so much that goes into keeping people healthy, this is a huge help in the medical field!Robots Medical
  6.  Make Music!’s tunes are designed – by robots – to be in synch with your brain waves while making some awesome beats.Robots Music
  7. Shape You Up!

    Personal trainer bots are leading exercise sessions with the elderly. They even monitor participants and can detect correct body position.Robots Work Out
  8. Read Your Mood!

    A companion robot named Pepper is programmed to read facial expressions and respond accordingly with songs to match your vibe, supportive comments, and more.Robots Mood
  9. Make Deliveries!

    Robots are delivering everything from online orders to room service. Robots Room Service
  10. Perform Surgery!

    Medical facilities including the famed Mayo Clinic use robotics to operate on patients. Using robotics provides “more precision, flexibility, and control than is possible with conventional techniques."Robots Surgery

Some may worry that the increasing capabilities of robotics will eventually eliminate some human responsibilities, yet remember that these machines are nothing without the human element of programming. Start your kiddo down the path to programming today with Botley the Coding Robot!

Botley RoboticsRobots