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Six Ways to Stay Positive

We're living through an unprecedented moment in history right now. People are sick, our lives are upended, and our communities are being tested like never before. It's easy to feel overwhelmed at a time like this, but it's also easy to take a minute to find your own personal bright side. Below, you'll find a few tips that we're employing to stay positive while dealing with the challenges we face.  

Stick to a Schedule

Even when you're working and learning from home, it's important to maintain a predictable schedule, preferably one that looks as much like your normal routine as possible. That means getting up and going to bed at the usual hours, starting and stopping work at the same times each day, and honoring things like breaks and mealtimes the same way you would if you were out of the house. This predictability helps this unfamiliar situation feel a little less chaotic, and will help you and your kids maintain the good behaviors you've developed at work and school without backsliding.

Celebrate the Good Stuff

When you're dealing with excess stress and change, it can be really easy to overlook the things that are going well. Our team at Learning Resources has been meeting each day via video conference, and the first thing we do on every call is share one positive or exciting thing that happened during the previous day. Whether it's a movie we watched or a project we finished, it's an excellent way to focus ourselves on the positive things that remain despite the craziness. Try it with your family, and you'll be surprised at how much goodness you'll uncover.  

Plan Special Occasions

Just because there aren't any major holidays on the calendar for a while doesn't mean you can't find an excuse to celebrate. If you're stuck inside for a while, we recommend planning special occasions of your own that give you a little something extra to look forward to throughout the day. It may be something as simple as a favorite home-cooked meal or game night, or as elaborate as a made-up holiday of your own; whatever shape it takes, these little treats help your family buy in and come together during a difficult time (Need inspiration? Check out National Today for fun ideas!) 

Start a Family Project

With everyone home for an extended period of time, families have a unique opportunity to turn this downtime into something memorable. Maybe it's a scrapbook, photo album, journal, or art project that everyone contributes to. Maybe it's a new vegetable garden for the backyard. Maybe it's something as simple as quick daily vlogs that capture your lives in the moment. Whatever the case, these family-level projects give you the chance to build new skills, engage with your kids, and create something that you can look back on in the years to come. 

Make Time for Me Time

Look, we get it: togetherness can be stressful, even under normal circumstances. With everyone under the same roof for an extended period of time, it's even more important to carve out some alone time for every member of the family. That can take many different shapes: maybe you can designate a room in your house that family members can reserve for solo activities, or maybe you can designate a quiet hour every day where everyone works on their own independent projects. Whatever shape your me time takes, it'll help you stay refreshed and maintain your sense of self while everyone's together. 

Get Outside

It's finally spring, which means that nature is getting ready to put on a green, flower-filled show. That's why it's so vital to remember your outdoor options as you pass your time at home. As the weeks go by, your backyard will likely become a wonderland of bugs, critters, and new plant life that's worth explore (or just viewing with a cup of coffee from the porch). Don't have a backyard? Take a walk through your neighborhood. As long as you maintain proper social distancing, these little trips outside your home will reconnect your with the world at large and help you take in some bright springtime life all at the same time. 

At Learning Resources, we’re here to help you make the best of this challenging time. Stay safe and healthy, and check back with our blog for more tips and learning ideas as the situation unfolds. 

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Six Ways to Stay Positive

We're living through an unprecedented moment in history right now. People are sick, our lives are upended, and our communities are being tested like never before. It's easy to feel overwhelmed at a time like this, but it's also easy to take a minute to find your own personal bright side. Below, you'll find a few tips that we're employing to stay positive while dealing with the challenges we face.  

Stick to a Schedule

Even when you're working and learning from home, it's important to maintain a predictable schedule, preferably one that looks as much like your normal routine as possible. That means getting up and going to bed at the usual hours, starting and stopping work at the same times each day, and honoring things like breaks and mealtimes the same way you would if you were out of the house. This predictability helps this unfamiliar situation feel a little less chaotic, and will help you and your kids maintain the good behaviors you've developed at work and school without backsliding.

Celebrate the Good Stuff

When you're dealing with excess stress and change, it can be really easy to overlook the things that are going well. Our team at Learning Resources has been meeting each day via video conference, and the first thing we do on every call is share one positive or exciting thing that happened during the previous day. Whether it's a movie we watched or a project we finished, it's an excellent way to focus ourselves on the positive things that remain despite the craziness. Try it with your family, and you'll be surprised at how much goodness you'll uncover.  

Plan Special Occasions

Just because there aren't any major holidays on the calendar for a while doesn't mean you can't find an excuse to celebrate. If you're stuck inside for a while, we recommend planning special occasions of your own that give you a little something extra to look forward to throughout the day. It may be something as simple as a favorite home-cooked meal or game night, or as elaborate as a made-up holiday of your own; whatever shape it takes, these little treats help your family buy in and come together during a difficult time (Need inspiration? Check out National Today for fun ideas!) 

Start a Family Project

With everyone home for an extended period of time, families have a unique opportunity to turn this downtime into something memorable. Maybe it's a scrapbook, photo album, journal, or art project that everyone contributes to. Maybe it's a new vegetable garden for the backyard. Maybe it's something as simple as quick daily vlogs that capture your lives in the moment. Whatever the case, these family-level projects give you the chance to build new skills, engage with your kids, and create something that you can look back on in the years to come. 

Make Time for Me Time

Look, we get it: togetherness can be stressful, even under normal circumstances. With everyone under the same roof for an extended period of time, it's even more important to carve out some alone time for every member of the family. That can take many different shapes: maybe you can designate a room in your house that family members can reserve for solo activities, or maybe you can designate a quiet hour every day where everyone works on their own independent projects. Whatever shape your me time takes, it'll help you stay refreshed and maintain your sense of self while everyone's together. 

Get Outside

It's finally spring, which means that nature is getting ready to put on a green, flower-filled show. That's why it's so vital to remember your outdoor options as you pass your time at home. As the weeks go by, your backyard will likely become a wonderland of bugs, critters, and new plant life that's worth explore (or just viewing with a cup of coffee from the porch). Don't have a backyard? Take a walk through your neighborhood. As long as you maintain proper social distancing, these little trips outside your home will reconnect your with the world at large and help you take in some bright springtime life all at the same time. 

At Learning Resources, we’re here to help you make the best of this challenging time. Stay safe and healthy, and check back with our blog for more tips and learning ideas as the situation unfolds.