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Five Ways to Use Color Cubes to Aid Emerging Readers

At Rolph Literacy Academy at Fundamental Learning Center in Kansas, we teach our students — who have dyslexia or other reading difficulties — to read. Through the years, we have learned some tricks to engage kids who are not natural bookworms to look forward to story time.

Rolph Literacy Academy Student 

We recommend parents and caregivers help readers select books that have subject matter coinciding with a child’s interests. Research also shows reading aloud to children helps build comprehension skills, develop positive feelings about books, increase their vocabulary and more. We love using Learning Resources Color Cubes to help children comprehend text.

Here are five ideas Fundamental Learning Center uses to aid comprehension using Learning Resources Color Cubes:

Rolph Literacy Academy Student

  1. Before you begin reading, assign each character a different color represented by the Color Cubes. Each time you are introduced to one of the characters as you are reading, have your child pick up the appropriate-colored block. This helps your child understand the players in your story.
  2. Before you begin reading, pull out 3-5 vocabulary words from the text. Go over them with your child before you begin. Each time your child encounters one of the vocabulary words as you are reading, have him or her add a block to a vocabulary tower he builds.
  3. When you are reading with your young reader and encounter a multi-syllabic word, have your child pull down a color cube for each syllable, moving left to right. Segmenting words into syllables helps emerging readers understand how words are built. This can also be done while segmenting sentences into single words.
  4. If you are reading a non-fiction book, assign one colored block to stand for main idea, and one block color to represent supporting details. As you read, come up with main ideas and supporting details for the subject matter, using the blocks to help you keep track.
  5. Write the following words, one on each block: who, what, where, when and why. After you are finished reading the book with your child, use the cubes to ask him or her each question as it pertains to the plot of the story. Who was this story about? What happened? Where did it take place? Etc.

 As you can see, Learning Resources Color Cubes can help emerging readers engage with the words in books. For more specific training on how to assist your emerging reader, visit and check out our curriculum and training to assist emerging readers, “The Sound Case.”

Five Ways to Use Color Cubes to Aid Emerging Readers

At Rolph Literacy Academy at Fundamental Learning Center in Kansas, we teach our students — who have dyslexia or other reading difficulties — to read. Through the years, we have learned some tricks to engage kids who are not natural bookworms to look forward to story time.

Rolph Literacy Academy Student 

We recommend parents and caregivers help readers select books that have subject matter coinciding with a child’s interests. Research also shows reading aloud to children helps build comprehension skills, develop positive feelings about books, increase their vocabulary and more. We love using Learning Resources Color Cubes to help children comprehend text.

Here are five ideas Fundamental Learning Center uses to aid comprehension using Learning Resources Color Cubes:

Rolph Literacy Academy Student

  1. Before you begin reading, assign each character a different color represented by the Color Cubes. Each time you are introduced to one of the characters as you are reading, have your child pick up the appropriate-colored block. This helps your child understand the players in your story.
  2. Before you begin reading, pull out 3-5 vocabulary words from the text. Go over them with your child before you begin. Each time your child encounters one of the vocabulary words as you are reading, have him or her add a block to a vocabulary tower he builds.
  3. When you are reading with your young reader and encounter a multi-syllabic word, have your child pull down a color cube for each syllable, moving left to right. Segmenting words into syllables helps emerging readers understand how words are built. This can also be done while segmenting sentences into single words.
  4. If you are reading a non-fiction book, assign one colored block to stand for main idea, and one block color to represent supporting details. As you read, come up with main ideas and supporting details for the subject matter, using the blocks to help you keep track.
  5. Write the following words, one on each block: who, what, where, when and why. After you are finished reading the book with your child, use the cubes to ask him or her each question as it pertains to the plot of the story. Who was this story about? What happened? Where did it take place? Etc.

 As you can see, Learning Resources Color Cubes can help emerging readers engage with the words in books. For more specific training on how to assist your emerging reader, visit and check out our curriculum and training to assist emerging readers, “The Sound Case.”

4 Reasons Playing School is Just as Important as the Real Thing

4 Reasons Playing School is Just as Important as the Real Thing

How often do you find your child lost in their only little world of imaginative play? In our house, it’s a daily occurrence – and since school has started again this Fall, I often find the girls playing school. Pretend play is not only a critical part of early child development, it can also help you learn more about your child and their current school experiences.

4 Things You and Your Child Can Learn Playing School

Have you ever been struggling with a project at work, and you come home and think through it while you go through the motions of your day, maybe even in your dreams? Our kids are no different! While you may ask them how school was and get little more than a word or two response, left to their own imaginative play devices, they may reveal far more about their day.

So the next time they want to play school, you should not only encourage it, but listen up.

You Learn 95% of What We Teach to Others  

Ever heard the saying “We Learn . . . 10% of what we read,  20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we see and hear, 70% of what we discuss, 80% of what we experience, and 95% of what we teach others.

”It originated from William Glasser, a famous American psychiatrist, who pioneered work in choice therapy and its applications in education. What it means for playing school? If your child can come home and pretend to teach what they’ve learned to their stuffed animals and dolls, they are more likely to master the material.

Last week, my daughter’s preschool class was beginning a year-long alphabet study by reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. John Archambault. She was playing school, and asked me to write the repetitive refrain from the story on her pretend play school board – she’s a pre-reader, but after I wrote it, she used the pointer to point and read each word on the board!

So instead of doing more math worksheets, or practicing sight words on paper, ask them to teach addition to their favorite play things.

Gain Insight into What’s Happening at School 

How many times have your picked up your child from school with a glum face? You ask, “How was school today?” and get met with a single word response if you’re lucky. You can push the question, but you know it often leads them to shut down even more.

If you back off, and let them play freely when you get home, you can often learn exactly what’s going on at school without even asking. Whether they are playing school, or re-enacting dialogue with princesses or stuffed animals, you might just hear what’s bothering them. Or if nothing is bothering them, you can often discover what they are learning about, who they are playing with, who’s being reprimanded by the teacher, and more.

I recommend letting them play as independently as possible, and revisiting what you learn with them when you have quiet 1-on-1 time. I find the best time to really get them talking is just before bed, after stories, when you are tucking your child in for the night.

Role Playing Develops Social and Emotional Skills 

When your child is playing school (or engaged in any form of pretend or imaginative play), you will often hear them replaying dialogue they observe in the world around them. Maybe they are re-enacting scenes from their favorite show, or replaying what happened at school that day.

Practicing the exchange of dialogue and re-enacting events are an amazing way to help your child develop social and emotional skills they will use for the rest of their life. Role playing during imaginative play is also a great tool for you as a parent to help guide your child when they are struggling with feelings, or even after they have behaved inappropriately.

If they have had an argument with a sibling or a friend at school, or even with you, when they are calmer, you can recreate the situation and offer up words, phrases and alternative actions they can use the next time the situation arises.

Discover Your Child’s Passions

Want to find out what your child is really into? Leave them to their own imaginative devices. When they are playing school, see what lessons they choose to teach. Are they reading books to their stuffed animals? What books do they gravitate towards?

When they are playing school, do they re-teach science experiments or math lessons? The areas they choose to explore voluntarily are likely the subjects they enjoy most. Be sure to encourage those passions… but also take note of the areas they often avoid. This may be an indication of subject areas they struggle with, and may need your help to develop in those areas.


So the next time you happen upon your kids ‘playing school’, be sure to sit back, let them play and catch the conversation. Not only are they having fun, they are cementing their learning while offering you valuable insights into the part of their day you don’t often get to see firsthand.Grab your own self-storing Pretend & Play School set here. For more great play ideas for kids, check out my Imaginative Play and Kids Activities boards on Pinterest.

4 Reasons Playing School is Just as Important as the Real Thing

How often do you find your child lost in their only little world of imaginative play? In our house, it’s a daily occurrence – and since school has started again this Fall, I often find the girls playing school. Pretend play is not only a critical part of early child development, it can also help you learn more about your child and their current school experiences.

4 Things You and Your Child Can Learn Playing School

Have you ever been struggling with a project at work, and you come home and think through it while you go through the motions of your day, maybe even in your dreams? Our kids are no different! While you may ask them how school was and get little more than a word or two response, left to their own imaginative play devices, they may reveal far more about their day.

So the next time they want to play school, you should not only encourage it, but listen up.

You Learn 95% of What We Teach to Others  

Ever heard the saying “We Learn . . . 10% of what we read,  20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 50% of what we see and hear, 70% of what we discuss, 80% of what we experience, and 95% of what we teach others.

”It originated from William Glasser, a famous American psychiatrist, who pioneered work in choice therapy and its applications in education. What it means for playing school? If your child can come home and pretend to teach what they’ve learned to their stuffed animals and dolls, they are more likely to master the material.

Last week, my daughter’s preschool class was beginning a year-long alphabet study by reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. John Archambault. She was playing school, and asked me to write the repetitive refrain from the story on her pretend play school board – she’s a pre-reader, but after I wrote it, she used the pointer to point and read each word on the board!

So instead of doing more math worksheets, or practicing sight words on paper, ask them to teach addition to their favorite play things.

Gain Insight into What’s Happening at School 

How many times have your picked up your child from school with a glum face? You ask, “How was school today?” and get met with a single word response if you’re lucky. You can push the question, but you know it often leads them to shut down even more.

If you back off, and let them play freely when you get home, you can often learn exactly what’s going on at school without even asking. Whether they are playing school, or re-enacting dialogue with princesses or stuffed animals, you might just hear what’s bothering them. Or if nothing is bothering them, you can often discover what they are learning about, who they are playing with, who’s being reprimanded by the teacher, and more.

I recommend letting them play as independently as possible, and revisiting what you learn with them when you have quiet 1-on-1 time. I find the best time to really get them talking is just before bed, after stories, when you are tucking your child in for the night.

Role Playing Develops Social and Emotional Skills 

When your child is playing school (or engaged in any form of pretend or imaginative play), you will often hear them replaying dialogue they observe in the world around them. Maybe they are re-enacting scenes from their favorite show, or replaying what happened at school that day.

Practicing the exchange of dialogue and re-enacting events are an amazing way to help your child develop social and emotional skills they will use for the rest of their life. Role playing during imaginative play is also a great tool for you as a parent to help guide your child when they are struggling with feelings, or even after they have behaved inappropriately.

If they have had an argument with a sibling or a friend at school, or even with you, when they are calmer, you can recreate the situation and offer up words, phrases and alternative actions they can use the next time the situation arises.

Discover Your Child’s Passions

Want to find out what your child is really into? Leave them to their own imaginative devices. When they are playing school, see what lessons they choose to teach. Are they reading books to their stuffed animals? What books do they gravitate towards?

When they are playing school, do they re-teach science experiments or math lessons? The areas they choose to explore voluntarily are likely the subjects they enjoy most. Be sure to encourage those passions… but also take note of the areas they often avoid. This may be an indication of subject areas they struggle with, and may need your help to develop in those areas.


So the next time you happen upon your kids ‘playing school’, be sure to sit back, let them play and catch the conversation. Not only are they having fun, they are cementing their learning while offering you valuable insights into the part of their day you don’t often get to see firsthand.Grab your own self-storing Pretend & Play School set here. For more great play ideas for kids, check out my Imaginative Play and Kids Activities boards on Pinterest.


The Busbys’ Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Household Running on Time

Transitioning from a carefree summer to a structured fall when kids are back in school can be stressful for kids and parents alike. In our house, we use a few easy organizational tricks to ensure our little learners start the day off right.For us, it’s all about preparation and work ahead as much as we can. That means letting our six little helpers contribute to making our household run smoothly. Whether you have your own gaggle or just one, use these kid-friendly tips to make tackling the school year less stressful and more fun!Clean it Set

1. Everyone Pitches In!

Our family is a small army, so everyone gets a job, even for simple tasks like putting toys back in their place, or picking up after arts and crafts. You can make this clean-up fun with simple tweaks; ask each child to pick up five things, or make it a race to see who can clean up the fastest. With a little added excitement, that “huge mess” will be a thing of the past—until tomorrow, of course. Our favorite “cleaning supplies” are the Learning Resources Clean It Set- endless hours of fun!

2. Prep Lunches the Night BeforeLunch Basket

Mornings are naturally hectic, so we try to prep tomorrow’s meals and snacks the night before. While it’s always helpful to be at least a day ahead, you can gain even more time with a couple of easy tricks. Washing fruit for tomorrow’s lunch? Keep the water running a little longer and wash enough for a couple days. Try cutting all your vegetables at once and placing them in sealed containers for each day of the week. As you work, keep a running list of what you need from the store so you won’t ever run out of everything at once. These few minutes at night add up, and will save you valuable time in the morning and throughout the week! The girls love to help us “prep” as well by using their Lunch Basket play food from Learning Resources.

3. Make a Schedule, Keep a Schedule (As Best You Can)

Children love structure, and they love it even more when it’s something they can see. Help your kids visualize their own schedules with they help of a simple dry erase board or some construction paper. On each child’s personal schedule, start by outlining daily occurrences (for example, “8AM: Brush Teeth,  12:00PM Nap, 7:00PM Get Ready For Bed”), then highlight the “bigger” things that may be happening in the coming weeks. The more they know, the more they’re likely to stick to the schedule. After they get the hang of it, you can even reward them for a week of good work by an extra trip to the park or an extra 15 minutes of play. We use the Time Activity Set often to help teach the girls all about time and scheduling

4. Let Them Choose Their Clothes 

Children clothes collage.Kids fashion clothing isolated on white.This one is fun, but it’s also the best tip for creating a positive back-in-school experience for you and your kids. Before going to bed each night, we lay out the clothes we might want to wear the next day. Then, we let our kids pick out what they want to wear. In addition to the fun of watching what crazy combinations come from little minds, this is also a great way to gain insight into how your child selects and (more importantly) reacts to what he or she wants to wear. Sure, you might have to make a few adjustments (“I don’t know if those flippers really go with that dress”) but when you let your kids make their own decisions, you’re empowering little minds and helping eliminate tomorrow’s morning hurdle in a single step!

5. Get to Bed Early

Shining StarsWhy is it that kids always seem to have a swell of energy right around bedtime? We may never know the answer to that mystery, but what we do know is that getting your kiddos to bed early is one way of getting around this night time occurrence. We start early every night, and get everyone ready with enough time to brush teeth, deal with last-minute hunger, and get our nightly stories in. This new early bird schedule may be met with opposition at first, especially with older kids, but stick to it! This new pattern will quickly set in and your child will start to understand how an earlier bedtime routine doesn’t seem so bad after all. One of the ways we ease the girls into sleep mode is by turning on their Shining Stars projector- which beams the stars onto their walls and ceiling and makes them feel super cozy.  Learning is Where We Play:Learn Through Play With the Busbys 
The Busbys’ Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Household Running on Time Transitioning from a carefree summer to a structured fall when kids are back in school can be stressful for kids and parents alike. In our house, we use a few easy organizational tricks to ensure our little learners start the day off right.For us, it’s all about preparation and work ahead as much as we can. That means letting our six little helpers contribute to making our household run smoothly. Whether you have your own gaggle or just one, use these kid-friendly tips to make tackling the school year less stressful and more fun!Clean it Set

1. Everyone Pitches In!

Our family is a small army, so everyone gets a job, even for simple tasks like putting toys back in their place, or picking up after arts and crafts. You can make this clean-up fun with simple tweaks; ask each child to pick up five things, or make it a race to see who can clean up the fastest. With a little added excitement, that “huge mess” will be a thing of the past—until tomorrow, of course. Our favorite “cleaning supplies” are the Learning Resources Clean It Set- endless hours of fun!

2. Prep Lunches the Night BeforeLunch Basket

Mornings are naturally hectic, so we try to prep tomorrow’s meals and snacks the night before. While it’s always helpful to be at least a day ahead, you can gain even more time with a couple of easy tricks. Washing fruit for tomorrow’s lunch? Keep the water running a little longer and wash enough for a couple days. Try cutting all your vegetables at once and placing them in sealed containers for each day of the week. As you work, keep a running list of what you need from the store so you won’t ever run out of everything at once. These few minutes at night add up, and will save you valuable time in the morning and throughout the week! The girls love to help us “prep” as well by using their Lunch Basket play food from Learning Resources.

3. Make a Schedule, Keep a Schedule (As Best You Can)

Children love structure, and they love it even more when it’s something they can see. Help your kids visualize their own schedules with they help of a simple dry erase board or some construction paper. On each child’s personal schedule, start by outlining daily occurrences (for example, “8AM: Brush Teeth,  12:00PM Nap, 7:00PM Get Ready For Bed”), then highlight the “bigger” things that may be happening in the coming weeks. The more they know, the more they’re likely to stick to the schedule. After they get the hang of it, you can even reward them for a week of good work by an extra trip to the park or an extra 15 minutes of play. We use the Time Activity Set often to help teach the girls all about time and scheduling

4. Let Them Choose Their Clothes 

Children clothes collage.Kids fashion clothing isolated on white.This one is fun, but it’s also the best tip for creating a positive back-in-school experience for you and your kids. Before going to bed each night, we lay out the clothes we might want to wear the next day. Then, we let our kids pick out what they want to wear. In addition to the fun of watching what crazy combinations come from little minds, this is also a great way to gain insight into how your child selects and (more importantly) reacts to what he or she wants to wear. Sure, you might have to make a few adjustments (“I don’t know if those flippers really go with that dress”) but when you let your kids make their own decisions, you’re empowering little minds and helping eliminate tomorrow’s morning hurdle in a single step!

5. Get to Bed Early

Shining StarsWhy is it that kids always seem to have a swell of energy right around bedtime? We may never know the answer to that mystery, but what we do know is that getting your kiddos to bed early is one way of getting around this night time occurrence. We start early every night, and get everyone ready with enough time to brush teeth, deal with last-minute hunger, and get our nightly stories in. This new early bird schedule may be met with opposition at first, especially with older kids, but stick to it! This new pattern will quickly set in and your child will start to understand how an earlier bedtime routine doesn’t seem so bad after all. One of the ways we ease the girls into sleep mode is by turning on their Shining Stars projector- which beams the stars onto their walls and ceiling and makes them feel super cozy.  Learning is Where We Play:Learn Through Play With the Busbys 

Teachers Tips: Back to School for Preschool and Pre-K

As every parent knows, transitioning to a school schedule after the summer vacation ends, can be a challenge for many young children. They have a new routine, new teachers to get to know, and new classmates in their preschool or Kindergarten class.
As teachers, we have developed a few tricks to making the back to school transition easier for kids in our classroom. First and foremost we know that maintaining confidence and feeling successful helps kids transition to a new year at school. At school, children should start the year reviewing concepts that they are familiar with and be encouraged to share their knowledge about all the things they already know in order to boost their self-esteem.  This is why in our Pre-Kindergarten class, we start the year with a unit on colors and a unit on families. All children know at least their primary colors, and they all know the members of their immediate family. Starting with units that students are comfortable with and knowledgeable about, allows them to easily express their knowledge with their teachers and peers. The results of this transition are felt all year, we know that maximizing the trust and success our students feel in these early days translates into a greater willingness to take risks when learning new concepts later in the year.

Parents always ask us…..what should I be doing at home?  Here’s what we say:

Preschooler playing

  • Bring on the open play toys: blocks, play dough, and dress up clothes allow kids to play without feeling like there is a right or wrong way to express themselves.
  • Smile, listen and have a chat: encourage your child with positive feedback as they play, will maintain a feeling of success. Listening to your child as they play, will allow you to get a glimpse into how they are handling their transition to school.  Talk with them after playtime to ask how they are feeling.
  • Set up a daily routine: Set expectations by making a daily routine – you can even make a daily chart so kids know what time they wake up, eat and what they have to do (get their backpack) to get out the door to go to school!
   Learning is where we play:
10 Easy Organization Tips for Back to School!
Smarts & Crafts: 3 Fall Themed Crafts for Preschoolers
Dollars & Sense! Teaching Kids Skills That Pay the Bills 
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Teachers Tips: Back to School for Preschool and Pre-K
As every parent knows, transitioning to a school schedule after the summer vacation ends, can be a challenge for many young children. They have a new routine, new teachers to get to know, and new classmates in their preschool or Kindergarten class.
As teachers, we have developed a few tricks to making the back to school transition easier for kids in our classroom. First and foremost we know that maintaining confidence and feeling successful helps kids transition to a new year at school. At school, children should start the year reviewing concepts that they are familiar with and be encouraged to share their knowledge about all the things they already know in order to boost their self-esteem.  This is why in our Pre-Kindergarten class, we start the year with a unit on colors and a unit on families. All children know at least their primary colors, and they all know the members of their immediate family. Starting with units that students are comfortable with and knowledgeable about, allows them to easily express their knowledge with their teachers and peers. The results of this transition are felt all year, we know that maximizing the trust and success our students feel in these early days translates into a greater willingness to take risks when learning new concepts later in the year.

Parents always ask us…..what should I be doing at home?  Here’s what we say:

Preschooler playing

  • Bring on the open play toys: blocks, play dough, and dress up clothes allow kids to play without feeling like there is a right or wrong way to express themselves.
  • Smile, listen and have a chat: encourage your child with positive feedback as they play, will maintain a feeling of success. Listening to your child as they play, will allow you to get a glimpse into how they are handling their transition to school.  Talk with them after playtime to ask how they are feeling.
  • Set up a daily routine: Set expectations by making a daily routine – you can even make a daily chart so kids know what time they wake up, eat and what they have to do (get their backpack) to get out the door to go to school!
   Learning is where we play:
10 Easy Organization Tips for Back to School!
Smarts & Crafts: 3 Fall Themed Crafts for Preschoolers
Dollars & Sense! Teaching Kids Skills That Pay the Bills 
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Smarts & Crafts: 3 Fall Crafts for Preschoolers

It’s almost fall! You’re probably spending a little less time swimming, climbing, and playing outside and a little more time relaxing indoors – the perfect place for fall craft projects with your preschooler! Luckily, fall is ripe with inspiration for preschool crafts, like the three we’ve chosen below. So pour some cider, have a seat, and let’s get crafty!

Turning Leaf Scratchers

With less sun and shorter days, autumn weather suppresses chlorophyll production in many leaves, allowing their beautiful orange, red, and yellow colors to shine through. Demonstrate this process with a fun leaf scratcher!

  1. Cut a large leaf shape out of a piece of card stock or other sturdy paper. You can find lots of printable templates online, if you need one.
  2. Have your kids cover the leaf in red, yellow, or orange crayon (or all three), making sure to leave a thick layer of color over the entire leaf.
  3. Next, have the kids cover their leaves in a layer of green crayon.
  4. Using a penny (keep a careful eye on very small children), scratch off the layer of green to reveal the beautiful fall colors beneath.

Click for a simple explanation about why leaves change color in the fall!

Coloring Leaves Coloring Leaves Coloring Leaves Coloring Leaves

Fall Foil Trees

Continue the foliage fun with a painting project depicting all the beautiful colors of leaves in the fall.

  1. Let your kids scrunch three pieces of tinfoil into loose balls.
  2. Squeeze blobs of orange, yellow, and red paint on three, separate paper plates.
  3. Instruct your kids to dip their foil into one color of paint paint, then press onto a sheet of paper several times to make their “leaves”.
  4. Repeat, printing the foil in different colors on top of the original colors and in different places on the paper.
  5. When your foil prints are dry, use brown paint to fingerpaint a trunk and branches into your fall forest.

Don’t forget to print some fall foil leaves at the bottom of your page – as chlorophyll production decreases, the stems of leaves weaken, and the leaves fall from the trees!

Foil Trees CraftFoil Trees CraftFoil Trees CraftFoil Trees Craft

Paper Plate Spider Webs

Fall trees aren’t just full of leaves – they’re also full of spiders! Garden spiders are most active in the fall so you’re likely to see more of their elaborate, beautiful webs in the trees in autumn, too. Join the fun and spin your own spider webs out of a paper plate!

  1. Cut the center out of a paper plate.
  2. Let your kids color the outer edge of the plate with beautiful fall colors like red, orange, and yellow.
  3. Using a single hole puncher, punch 12-14 holes around the edge of the hole.
  4. Tape one end of a length of yarn to the back of the paper plate and wrap tape tightly around the other to form a ‘needle’.
  5. Demonstrate how to weave the yarn back and forth through the holes to create the web, then hand the plate over to your child.
  6. Once, the web is spun, remove the pin from the end of the yarn and tape that end to the back of the plate, too.

Add a pipe cleaner spider for the perfect fall finishing touch – cut four black pipe cleaners in half and twist to create an eight-legged creepy crawly!

Paper Plate Spider WebPaper Plate Spider WebPaper Plate Spider Web

Fall is chock full of fun craft ideas and it’s so easy to slip just a bit of learning into the fun!

Smarts & Crafts: 3 Fall Crafts for Preschoolers

It’s almost fall! You’re probably spending a little less time swimming, climbing, and playing outside and a little more time relaxing indoors – the perfect place for fall craft projects with your preschooler! Luckily, fall is ripe with inspiration for preschool crafts, like the three we’ve chosen below. So pour some cider, have a seat, and let’s get crafty!

Turning Leaf Scratchers

With less sun and shorter days, autumn weather suppresses chlorophyll production in many leaves, allowing their beautiful orange, red, and yellow colors to shine through. Demonstrate this process with a fun leaf scratcher!

  1. Cut a large leaf shape out of a piece of card stock or other sturdy paper. You can find lots of printable templates online, if you need one.
  2. Have your kids cover the leaf in red, yellow, or orange crayon (or all three), making sure to leave a thick layer of color over the entire leaf.
  3. Next, have the kids cover their leaves in a layer of green crayon.
  4. Using a penny (keep a careful eye on very small children), scratch off the layer of green to reveal the beautiful fall colors beneath.

Click for a simple explanation about why leaves change color in the fall!

Coloring Leaves Coloring Leaves Coloring Leaves Coloring Leaves

Fall Foil Trees

Continue the foliage fun with a painting project depicting all the beautiful colors of leaves in the fall.

  1. Let your kids scrunch three pieces of tinfoil into loose balls.
  2. Squeeze blobs of orange, yellow, and red paint on three, separate paper plates.
  3. Instruct your kids to dip their foil into one color of paint paint, then press onto a sheet of paper several times to make their “leaves”.
  4. Repeat, printing the foil in different colors on top of the original colors and in different places on the paper.
  5. When your foil prints are dry, use brown paint to fingerpaint a trunk and branches into your fall forest.

Don’t forget to print some fall foil leaves at the bottom of your page – as chlorophyll production decreases, the stems of leaves weaken, and the leaves fall from the trees!

Foil Trees CraftFoil Trees CraftFoil Trees CraftFoil Trees Craft

Paper Plate Spider Webs

Fall trees aren’t just full of leaves – they’re also full of spiders! Garden spiders are most active in the fall so you’re likely to see more of their elaborate, beautiful webs in the trees in autumn, too. Join the fun and spin your own spider webs out of a paper plate!

  1. Cut the center out of a paper plate.
  2. Let your kids color the outer edge of the plate with beautiful fall colors like red, orange, and yellow.
  3. Using a single hole puncher, punch 12-14 holes around the edge of the hole.
  4. Tape one end of a length of yarn to the back of the paper plate and wrap tape tightly around the other to form a ‘needle’.
  5. Demonstrate how to weave the yarn back and forth through the holes to create the web, then hand the plate over to your child.
  6. Once, the web is spun, remove the pin from the end of the yarn and tape that end to the back of the plate, too.

Add a pipe cleaner spider for the perfect fall finishing touch – cut four black pipe cleaners in half and twist to create an eight-legged creepy crawly!

Paper Plate Spider WebPaper Plate Spider WebPaper Plate Spider Web

Fall is chock full of fun craft ideas and it’s so easy to slip just a bit of learning into the fun!

D.I.Y Book Lovers Party to Celebrate Read a Book Day

D.I.Y Book Lovers Party to Celebrate Read a Book Day

Your kids may have spent the past two months at the pool, park and playground without a thought to books, but all that can change today! Help them get excited about back to school by celebrating Read a Book Day by helping them plan a fun D.I.Y. Book Lovers Party for their friends.


Before your guests R.S.V.P. make sure they know this party is strictly B.Y.O.B.—Bring Your Own Book! Kids can bring a favorite book to show and spark book-themed conversations. Help kids get started by asking them simple questions about their book. Who is the main character? Is their book funny or is it sad? What is their favorite part?

Swap It 

You can also ask guests to bring another book they no longer want, and use it for a book swap. That way, everyone leaves your get-together with the best party favor ever, a book that was once loved by a friend. You can also give each guest their own dollar store flashlight to take home, perfect for reading their new book under the covers. (Reading seems more fun when kids think they’re getting away with something!)

Forehead Detective

As each guests enters your party, assign them a children’s book character by affixing a nametag to their forehead. You could simply use a sticky note, but we like to create a simple band of construction paper kids wear like a crown around their head, then tape the name tag to that. Guests can’t see the name on their own forehead, so they’ll have to ask questions of the other guests to try to solve the mystery. This game gets lots of giggles just from the novelty of having a silly character name on your forehead. Encourage cooperation by promising a group treat when everyone has successfully guessed their character.

Kid Lit Charades

Charlotte’s Web. Goodnight Moon. Where the Wild Things Are. Little House on the Prairie. Green Eggs and Ham. Within minutes you can think of dozens of great children’s book titles for kids to act out in a game of charades. Don’t be surprised when even the parents want to get in on the fun of this classic game!

Dramatic Readings

If your child, or any of their guests, has a flare for the dramatic, let them entertain the other kids with an over-the-top-reading of a simple children’s book, like One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss. Instruct the young orator to read the words as if reading a very serious poem, and invite other children to mime the actions in similarly dramatic fashion. Imagine the laughs as kids bring to life lines like, “Some are sad. And some are glad. And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know. Go ask your dad.”

Craft Corner

Set up a simple craft corner where kids can make their own bookworm bookmark. Stock it with colorful construction paper and even spare wrapping paper and paint color sample strips. You can cut circles ahead of time for younger kids, and let older kids practice their scissors skills by cutting their own segments for their heads and bodies. We used toilet paper tubes as templates to draw the circles then stacked several papers and cut them all at once. Tape segments together to make a bookworm as long as you like. Don’t forget to draw a cute face, complete with eyeglasses!

Snack Attack

The bookworm theme can easily be carried out on your snack table, too. Try decorating brownies with gummi worms or create your own bookworms by lining up colored marshmallows or gumdrops and pressing them gently into the frosting. Arrange small bowls of snacks in a caterpillar shape on your table with a large tomato or apple as the head. A simple tray of chocolate chip cookies fits the book theme beautifully when you prop up a copy of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie  next to it. Or get inspiration from Green Eggs and Ham by making deviled eggs with avocado in place of mayo. And a veggie tray with carrots looks extra tempting with a copy of Peter Rabbit nearby.

Personalized Party 

Your Book Lovers party can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. On the simple end of the scale you could just create a cozy nook with lots of comfy pillows and invite 2 or 3 of your child’s friends to come read together and enjoy some snacks. On the more elaborate end of the scale, you could invite guests to come in costume, dressing as characters like Where’s Waldo, Pippi Longstockings, Laura Ingalls and Peter Pan. Big or small, your party can help kids see the fun and social side of reading and encourage them to look to books for their late summer entertainment!
D.I.Y Book Lovers Party to Celebrate Read a Book Day
Your kids may have spent the past two months at the pool, park and playground without a thought to books, but all that can change today! Help them get excited about back to school by celebrating Read a Book Day by helping them plan a fun D.I.Y. Book Lovers Party for their friends.


Before your guests R.S.V.P. make sure they know this party is strictly B.Y.O.B.—Bring Your Own Book! Kids can bring a favorite book to show and spark book-themed conversations. Help kids get started by asking them simple questions about their book. Who is the main character? Is their book funny or is it sad? What is their favorite part?

Swap It 

You can also ask guests to bring another book they no longer want, and use it for a book swap. That way, everyone leaves your get-together with the best party favor ever, a book that was once loved by a friend. You can also give each guest their own dollar store flashlight to take home, perfect for reading their new book under the covers. (Reading seems more fun when kids think they’re getting away with something!)

Forehead Detective

As each guests enters your party, assign them a children’s book character by affixing a nametag to their forehead. You could simply use a sticky note, but we like to create a simple band of construction paper kids wear like a crown around their head, then tape the name tag to that. Guests can’t see the name on their own forehead, so they’ll have to ask questions of the other guests to try to solve the mystery. This game gets lots of giggles just from the novelty of having a silly character name on your forehead. Encourage cooperation by promising a group treat when everyone has successfully guessed their character.

Kid Lit Charades

Charlotte’s Web. Goodnight Moon. Where the Wild Things Are. Little House on the Prairie. Green Eggs and Ham. Within minutes you can think of dozens of great children’s book titles for kids to act out in a game of charades. Don’t be surprised when even the parents want to get in on the fun of this classic game!

Dramatic Readings

If your child, or any of their guests, has a flare for the dramatic, let them entertain the other kids with an over-the-top-reading of a simple children’s book, like One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss. Instruct the young orator to read the words as if reading a very serious poem, and invite other children to mime the actions in similarly dramatic fashion. Imagine the laughs as kids bring to life lines like, “Some are sad. And some are glad. And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know. Go ask your dad.”

Craft Corner

Set up a simple craft corner where kids can make their own bookworm bookmark. Stock it with colorful construction paper and even spare wrapping paper and paint color sample strips. You can cut circles ahead of time for younger kids, and let older kids practice their scissors skills by cutting their own segments for their heads and bodies. We used toilet paper tubes as templates to draw the circles then stacked several papers and cut them all at once. Tape segments together to make a bookworm as long as you like. Don’t forget to draw a cute face, complete with eyeglasses!

Snack Attack

The bookworm theme can easily be carried out on your snack table, too. Try decorating brownies with gummi worms or create your own bookworms by lining up colored marshmallows or gumdrops and pressing them gently into the frosting. Arrange small bowls of snacks in a caterpillar shape on your table with a large tomato or apple as the head. A simple tray of chocolate chip cookies fits the book theme beautifully when you prop up a copy of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie  next to it. Or get inspiration from Green Eggs and Ham by making deviled eggs with avocado in place of mayo. And a veggie tray with carrots looks extra tempting with a copy of Peter Rabbit nearby.

Personalized Party 

Your Book Lovers party can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. On the simple end of the scale you could just create a cozy nook with lots of comfy pillows and invite 2 or 3 of your child’s friends to come read together and enjoy some snacks. On the more elaborate end of the scale, you could invite guests to come in costume, dressing as characters like Where’s Waldo, Pippi Longstockings, Laura Ingalls and Peter Pan. Big or small, your party can help kids see the fun and social side of reading and encourage them to look to books for their late summer entertainment!

Give Your Classroom a Brain Break!

Restlessness takes many forms – eyes start drifting to far-off corners of the room, notepads become canvases for impressionistic art, and fidgeting distracts students and teachers alike. What’s the best thing to do when faced with such challenges? Take a break!
It turns out that stepping away for a short period of time helps to break dulling cycles. The George Lucas Educational Foundation Edutopia explains that our brains are wired for novelty. “When presented with new material, standards, and complicated topics, we need to be focused and calm as we approach our assignments,” the article Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks and Focused-Attention Practices stated. “We can use brain breaks and focused-attention practices to positively impact our emotional states and learning.”
So, what are you waiting for?

Get Moving

Kids Taking a Break at Recces
A relaxed body put into motion clears the way for improved brain functionality. Let’s get those kiddos out of their chairs and moving – this will get them back in action and ready to learn, while better retaining information.
Dr. Justin Rhodes, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, told Scientific American, “Research shows that when we exercise, blood pressure and blood flow increase everywhere in the body, including the brain. More blood means more energy and oxygen, which makes our brain perform better.”
Taking a time out from scheduled learning can invigorate kids and help them to stay more productive in the classroom or while studying at home. Call it what you will: Brain Breaks, Energizers, Brain Boosters – these are just a few of the names for these much-needed physical activity breaks.
Check out these evidence-based resources that work in the classrooms - but also can be applied to your home school (hey, if it works for teachers...):
  • Instant Recess is designed to improve health and learning by Central Michigan University. These carefully developed 10-minute physical activity breaks can be done in the classroom as well as all-school activities at designated times.
  • Energizers are 10-minute classroom-based physical activities that integrate into academic concepts and can be used by elementary teachers to provide physical activity to students. They were developed as part of the North Carolina State Board of Education's Healthy Active Children Policy.
  • TAKE 10! ® is a classroom-based physical activity program for kindergarten to fifth grade students. The 10-minute curriculum integrates academic learning objectives (in language arts, math, social studies, science and health) with movement.

Tips for Engagement

Teacher Giving Kids a Break
Now you’re convinced that kids can benefit from these Brain Breaks. How do you get started?
First off, ask your child what they love doing in their gym class. Some of the activities kids do in P.E. class can also be done throughout the day as mini-breaks or in the backyard or basement.
But don’t stop there. Here are a few suggestions to get students moving:


  • Share physical break ideas – give each child a turn to be the Brain Break leader, and come up with fun or silly ideas for 5 minutes of ‘crazy time’ to let off steam
  • Check out these fun & easy ideas in our blog
  • Integrate learning activities into the breaks. Likewise, get moving even when you’re focused on academics.  For example, teach them the basics of coding while they step, hop, and turn.
  • Send them on a scavenger hunt!  You can create your own, or try this adorable See ‘n Snap Picture Hunt that also teaches matching skills!
  • Set goals while looking at recommended activity. Kids should get 60 minutes of physical activity daily, while screen time should be limited to no more than two hours per day (this includes TV, gaming, mobile phones, and computer time).

Mix it up

Group Of Children Taking Break
The goal is to get kids into a free-flowing, calm yet focused, and joyful state of being. There is an array of fun-filled games to play with young students that are meant to boost learning.
Raffi’s song Shake My Sillies Out is a prime example. Encouraging youngsters to shake their sillies out nurtures imagination, wordplay, and last but not least, physical exercise.
There are also call and response games. Your kids may love: Boom chic a boomChe Che KoolayWhen I say, or Little Sally Walker.
Some tried and true may also be the answer after a hectic day of math or science. Classics such as Red-light-green-light or Follow the leader never grow old. You can also improvise as needed by turning up the volume on a favorite kid-friendly song and freeze dancing.
For parents who practice yoga, work that into the fun! Focusing on poses that are based on the animals kids love will further their interest.
These fun-filled breaks will bring life to school work and keep kids healthy, setting pace for years of healthy learning to come!
 Learning is Where We Play:


5 Fun Ways to Get Students Talking

Multisensory Learning & Why It Works

Adding, Matching & Coloring Printables

Give Your Classroom a Brain Break!
Restlessness takes many forms – eyes start drifting to far-off corners of the room, notepads become canvases for impressionistic art, and fidgeting distracts students and teachers alike. What’s the best thing to do when faced with such challenges? Take a break!
It turns out that stepping away for a short period of time helps to break dulling cycles. The George Lucas Educational Foundation Edutopia explains that our brains are wired for novelty. “When presented with new material, standards, and complicated topics, we need to be focused and calm as we approach our assignments,” the article Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks and Focused-Attention Practices stated. “We can use brain breaks and focused-attention practices to positively impact our emotional states and learning.”
So, what are you waiting for?

Get Moving

Kids Taking a Break at Recces
A relaxed body put into motion clears the way for improved brain functionality. Let’s get those kiddos out of their chairs and moving – this will get them back in action and ready to learn, while better retaining information.
Dr. Justin Rhodes, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, told Scientific American, “Research shows that when we exercise, blood pressure and blood flow increase everywhere in the body, including the brain. More blood means more energy and oxygen, which makes our brain perform better.”
Taking a time out from scheduled learning can invigorate kids and help them to stay more productive in the classroom or while studying at home. Call it what you will: Brain Breaks, Energizers, Brain Boosters – these are just a few of the names for these much-needed physical activity breaks.
Check out these evidence-based resources that work in the classrooms - but also can be applied to your home school (hey, if it works for teachers...):
  • Instant Recess is designed to improve health and learning by Central Michigan University. These carefully developed 10-minute physical activity breaks can be done in the classroom as well as all-school activities at designated times.
  • Energizers are 10-minute classroom-based physical activities that integrate into academic concepts and can be used by elementary teachers to provide physical activity to students. They were developed as part of the North Carolina State Board of Education's Healthy Active Children Policy.
  • TAKE 10! ® is a classroom-based physical activity program for kindergarten to fifth grade students. The 10-minute curriculum integrates academic learning objectives (in language arts, math, social studies, science and health) with movement.

Tips for Engagement

Teacher Giving Kids a Break
Now you’re convinced that kids can benefit from these Brain Breaks. How do you get started?
First off, ask your child what they love doing in their gym class. Some of the activities kids do in P.E. class can also be done throughout the day as mini-breaks or in the backyard or basement.
But don’t stop there. Here are a few suggestions to get students moving:


  • Share physical break ideas – give each child a turn to be the Brain Break leader, and come up with fun or silly ideas for 5 minutes of ‘crazy time’ to let off steam
  • Check out these fun & easy ideas in our blog
  • Integrate learning activities into the breaks. Likewise, get moving even when you’re focused on academics.  For example, teach them the basics of coding while they step, hop, and turn.
  • Send them on a scavenger hunt!  You can create your own, or try this adorable See ‘n Snap Picture Hunt that also teaches matching skills!
  • Set goals while looking at recommended activity. Kids should get 60 minutes of physical activity daily, while screen time should be limited to no more than two hours per day (this includes TV, gaming, mobile phones, and computer time).

Mix it up

Group Of Children Taking Break
The goal is to get kids into a free-flowing, calm yet focused, and joyful state of being. There is an array of fun-filled games to play with young students that are meant to boost learning.
Raffi’s song Shake My Sillies Out is a prime example. Encouraging youngsters to shake their sillies out nurtures imagination, wordplay, and last but not least, physical exercise.
There are also call and response games. Your kids may love: Boom chic a boomChe Che KoolayWhen I say, or Little Sally Walker.
Some tried and true may also be the answer after a hectic day of math or science. Classics such as Red-light-green-light or Follow the leader never grow old. You can also improvise as needed by turning up the volume on a favorite kid-friendly song and freeze dancing.
For parents who practice yoga, work that into the fun! Focusing on poses that are based on the animals kids love will further their interest.
These fun-filled breaks will bring life to school work and keep kids healthy, setting pace for years of healthy learning to come!
 Learning is Where We Play:


5 Fun Ways to Get Students Talking

Multisensory Learning & Why It Works

Adding, Matching & Coloring Printables