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Secrets That Teachers Wish Every Mom Knew

Ever wonder what your child’s teacher is really thinking? What would they say if they had an anonymous forum to speak up, speak out, and speak the truth about what’s on their minds?

Now, they do.

We reached out to educators all across the country and offered them a chance to spill their secrets. Want to know what they decided to share? Keep reading…teacher secrets

What happens at home, doesn’t stay at home…

“Children are listening even when you don't think that they are. It is amazing what children pick up on and often repeat. They come to school and share their parent's little secrets.”

  • Carrie, preschool teacher

“Don't believe everything your child says about school and I won't believe everything they say about home.”

  • Tara, 1st grade teacher

“What happens at home often becomes a topic of discussion with your child’s peers.”

  • Tracy, 4th grade teacher

teacher secrets

There are things we’re just not allowed to say…

“I wish I could talk to parents candidly about their children's difficulties. I have had parents ask me if I thought their kids were dyslexic or on the autism spectrum. I would love to be able to give my opinion. Since I am not in the position to make a diagnosis, I cannot directly answer their questions, but I will then suggest a professional who can give them the answers they are looking for. I see the frustration in the parents' faces and I know that they value my opinion.”

  • Sandie, 2nd grade teacher

Yes we do like teacher gifts, but…

“Expensive gifts are really not necessary. Gift cards are always appropriate.  The simple act of showing appreciation goes a long, long way.”

  • Naomi, pre-school director

“Avoid anything that claims its "perfect for teachers!"  Some of her favorite gifts have been handmade creations by the children, a Christmas ornament, or simply a thoughtful card from the family.  If you would like to bless a teacher with a gift, consider asking what they could use for their classroom!”

  • Sarah, kindergarten teacher

Respect goes both ways!  

“Showing respect to teachers is one of the most important lessons a parent can teach a child. If you show respect, your child will too. It’s incredibly difficult when you tell your child they don't have to listen to teachers. Sometimes sending a thank you note or small gift is a great way to show appreciation. Teachers didn't go into it for the money, but a little thank you goes a long way.”

  • Amy, retired teacher

“Our jobs are not 8-4 or the first bell to the last bell.  Unlike most jobs, we cannot show up to work to do our jobs; we have to do our jobs before we get to work so that we can continue our jobs at work.  A lot of planning, prep work, time, and energy go into a school day.  I am not complaining because I knew this before I decided to become a teacher.  I am sharing this so that you can understand when teachers are asking for help, they really need it.  Even if teachers don't ask for help, we appreciate it when parents ask if and how they can help; a little cutting and tracing goes a long way!”

  • Sarah, kindergarten teacher

“We truly are a team and both want what is best for your child. It is important that we are on the same page and are able to collaborate to provide the best learning experience possible.”

  • Carrie, preschool teacher

teacher secrets that every mom should know

Education is always changing…

“Education is not the same as when you went through school.  If you don't realize it, make arrangements to visit your student's classroom. Students are more engaged and learning in completely different ways than when their parents attended.”

  • Kristina, music teacher

“Parents should come together and speak to school boards about the number of tests children are taking. They are not really being educated the way we were… many schools are simply teaching to the test. Many of my kids were completely overwhelmed.”

  • Lynne, retired health care teacher

“The opposite of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset. No one wants this. It's demoralizing, heartbreaking to watch, very easy to obtain, difficult to quit, and it robs kids of confidence. This is something I fight to change every day, and it's a root cause of performance anxiety in kids. Sorry for the rant.”

  • Jack, 3rd Grade Teacher

secrets that teachers wish they could share

Grades really aren’t the only thing that matters…

"Let your child know that it is ok to lose or fail.  When that happens, there are lessons to learn.   Children learn compassion and how to lose gracefully.  When they fail, they have the best opportunity to learn and grow!"

  • Jill, 4th grade teacher

“Emphasize effort and not performance. The work that gets put into learning something, as well as the perseverance and confidence that is built, far outweighs the letter grade given. The development and cultivation of a growth mindset is something that needs to be started early. Letter grades come and go, but good habits can last forever.”

  • Jack, 3rd Grade Teacher

"I wish I didn't HAVE to give tests, or grades in general...but I do."

  • Kristina, music Teacher

And a few more things…

"No…beer cans should not be allowed to be used in a recycling project for school!"

  • Tracy, 4th grade teacher

"Please read with your child (or to them) every night."

  • Amy, retired teacher

"I lose sleep over your child and their education.  It is THAT important to me."

  • Kristina, music teacher

Want to share a few secrets of your own? If you’re an educator and would like to be anonymously featured in the next Teacher Secrets post, drop us a line at

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Secrets That Teachers Wish Every Mom Knew

Ever wonder what your child’s teacher is really thinking? What would they say if they had an anonymous forum to speak up, speak out, and speak the truth about what’s on their minds?

Now, they do.

We reached out to educators all across the country and offered them a chance to spill their secrets. Want to know what they decided to share? Keep reading…teacher secrets

What happens at home, doesn’t stay at home…

“Children are listening even when you don't think that they are. It is amazing what children pick up on and often repeat. They come to school and share their parent's little secrets.”

  • Carrie, preschool teacher

“Don't believe everything your child says about school and I won't believe everything they say about home.”

  • Tara, 1st grade teacher

“What happens at home often becomes a topic of discussion with your child’s peers.”

  • Tracy, 4th grade teacher

teacher secrets

There are things we’re just not allowed to say…

“I wish I could talk to parents candidly about their children's difficulties. I have had parents ask me if I thought their kids were dyslexic or on the autism spectrum. I would love to be able to give my opinion. Since I am not in the position to make a diagnosis, I cannot directly answer their questions, but I will then suggest a professional who can give them the answers they are looking for. I see the frustration in the parents' faces and I know that they value my opinion.”

  • Sandie, 2nd grade teacher

Yes we do like teacher gifts, but…

“Expensive gifts are really not necessary. Gift cards are always appropriate.  The simple act of showing appreciation goes a long, long way.”

  • Naomi, pre-school director

“Avoid anything that claims its "perfect for teachers!"  Some of her favorite gifts have been handmade creations by the children, a Christmas ornament, or simply a thoughtful card from the family.  If you would like to bless a teacher with a gift, consider asking what they could use for their classroom!”

  • Sarah, kindergarten teacher

Respect goes both ways!  

“Showing respect to teachers is one of the most important lessons a parent can teach a child. If you show respect, your child will too. It’s incredibly difficult when you tell your child they don't have to listen to teachers. Sometimes sending a thank you note or small gift is a great way to show appreciation. Teachers didn't go into it for the money, but a little thank you goes a long way.”

  • Amy, retired teacher

“Our jobs are not 8-4 or the first bell to the last bell.  Unlike most jobs, we cannot show up to work to do our jobs; we have to do our jobs before we get to work so that we can continue our jobs at work.  A lot of planning, prep work, time, and energy go into a school day.  I am not complaining because I knew this before I decided to become a teacher.  I am sharing this so that you can understand when teachers are asking for help, they really need it.  Even if teachers don't ask for help, we appreciate it when parents ask if and how they can help; a little cutting and tracing goes a long way!”

  • Sarah, kindergarten teacher

“We truly are a team and both want what is best for your child. It is important that we are on the same page and are able to collaborate to provide the best learning experience possible.”

  • Carrie, preschool teacher

teacher secrets that every mom should know

Education is always changing…

“Education is not the same as when you went through school.  If you don't realize it, make arrangements to visit your student's classroom. Students are more engaged and learning in completely different ways than when their parents attended.”

  • Kristina, music teacher

“Parents should come together and speak to school boards about the number of tests children are taking. They are not really being educated the way we were… many schools are simply teaching to the test. Many of my kids were completely overwhelmed.”

  • Lynne, retired health care teacher

“The opposite of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset. No one wants this. It's demoralizing, heartbreaking to watch, very easy to obtain, difficult to quit, and it robs kids of confidence. This is something I fight to change every day, and it's a root cause of performance anxiety in kids. Sorry for the rant.”

  • Jack, 3rd Grade Teacher

secrets that teachers wish they could share

Grades really aren’t the only thing that matters…

"Let your child know that it is ok to lose or fail.  When that happens, there are lessons to learn.   Children learn compassion and how to lose gracefully.  When they fail, they have the best opportunity to learn and grow!"

  • Jill, 4th grade teacher

“Emphasize effort and not performance. The work that gets put into learning something, as well as the perseverance and confidence that is built, far outweighs the letter grade given. The development and cultivation of a growth mindset is something that needs to be started early. Letter grades come and go, but good habits can last forever.”

  • Jack, 3rd Grade Teacher

"I wish I didn't HAVE to give tests, or grades in general...but I do."

  • Kristina, music Teacher

And a few more things…

"No…beer cans should not be allowed to be used in a recycling project for school!"

  • Tracy, 4th grade teacher

"Please read with your child (or to them) every night."

  • Amy, retired teacher

"I lose sleep over your child and their education.  It is THAT important to me."

  • Kristina, music teacher

Want to share a few secrets of your own? If you’re an educator and would like to be anonymously featured in the next Teacher Secrets post, drop us a line at